In the second episode, Vincent interviewed Kelvin, who shared his opinion on the key to success and his satisfaction and difficulties in the IT journey. He revealed the potential improvement and expansion of functions in the second phase of InnoSpire's WeVoice Glasses this year. Apart from visually impaired people, the scope of WeVoice Glasses will cover construction monitoring and online broadcasting. Although funding is an essential factor and a problem for many IT practitioners, the most important thing is to thoroughly understand users' needs and recruit suitable talents who can guess from the user's perspective and create user-friendly design products. After that, with constant product improvement and market diversification, here comes success. Otherwise, resources will be wasted, and failure will come for sure.
#香港工程師學會 #HKIE #InnoSpire #創啟社會科技有限公司 #悦聲易 #悅聲眼鏡 #視障人士 #老人 #長者 #義工 #後台人員 #WeVoicePlus #WeVoiceGlasses #visuallyimpaired #elderly #volunteer #mobile #app #wearable #smartglasses #smart_glasses
